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ReqEdit 2.14

New features:

  • Integrated XML editor for ReqIF analysis and repair (only in the Premium Edition)

  • Support for external links (eg. Jira, Sharepoint, etc.)

  • DOORS Next Generation 6.0.4 Im- / Exporter Artifact types are stored / displayed in an attribute during DNG import. So the original artefact types can be restored during export. Cells that do not correspond to the set artifact type are not writable.

  • Improvement on print function and bugfixes



Emmy-Noether-Straße 2
85221 Dachau

Tel: +49 8131-7799810
Fax: +49 8131-7799809

REQTEAM is a tool manufacturer that offers innovative software solutions in the areas of requirements management, ALM and systems engineering. Together with our partner companies are offering you a holistic package of support, training and coaching.


ReqIF file format mantained by Object Management Group. The main use cases are focused for the automotive, aerospace, transport and pharmaceutical industries to have a lossless data exchange mechanism.

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